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  • "A safe space for you to grow."

    Your whole life will be a series of healing. 

    That’s how it works. You live, you uncover a layer, you are asked to go deeper, and you sink into a part of you that feels even more true than the person you were a year, a month, a week, a minute before. In many ways, it’s about shedding. Shedding what holds you back from experiencing your life as it’s happening. Shedding societal conditioning. Shedding walls, blocks. Healing will not be linear. It will not arrive one day in perfect form. It’s becoming. An unraveling. A putting together only to unspool a bit more. Stop trying to be “done” with the work of becoming yourself. Stop rushing it. You have a lifetime to master it. You are meant to have a life time to become, unfold, tense, and unfold again. It all belongs. It’s all part of it. Maybe you need a break once in a while, but don’t quit becoming truer versions of yourself. You don’t have to become “better.” Just truer. More you. More expressed. More free. 

    -Jamie Varon

    We look forward to working you!

    Kylie Sligar, PhD (she/her)

    Kylie Sligar, PhD (she/her)

    Does this sound like you? Life is exhausting. You’re working hard to avoid uncomfortable emotions, pushing them farther and farther down. Your stressors seem to be piling higher each day and you might be asking yourself- “How much more of this can I take?” It’s hard to find time to relax, especially when you are […]
    Haley Lafferty, LCSW (she/her)

    Haley Lafferty, LCSW (she/her)

    Does this sound like you? Your life has become a redundant pattern. In many ways, you feel numb. Your daily routine has become structured around meeting the needs for others and you have become disconnected from your own. You have experienced trauma and feel misunderstood by others. The patterns of these traumatic events appear to […]

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