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    Religious Trauma

    Religious trauma (sometimes referred to as spiritual abuse), is the physical, emotional, or psychological response to religious beliefs, practices, or structures that is experienced by an individual as overwhelming or disruptive and has lasting adverse effects on a person’s physical, mental, social, emotional, or spiritual well-being. -Religious Trauma Institute

    Common Signs of Religious Trauma

    Religious Trauma or abuse can present in a variety of ways. It might look like…

    • Questioning your beliefs & yet feeling like your questions are not allowed
    • Experiencing feelings of shame, guilt, fear, anxiety, confusion, or resentment
    • Feeling like your whole self / all of your identities are not welcomed in a religious or spiritual setting
    • Noticing unhealthy dynamics within leadership of your religion / place of worship (i.e. controlling behaviors, avoidance of certain topics, manipulation, conditional acceptance / love)
    • Feeling detached or disingenuous when around your spiritual / religious community 
    • Experiencing physical, emotional, verbal, or sexual abuse within or by your religious / spiritual community
    • Patterns of perfectionism, difficulties with boundaries, lack of autonomy & authenticity
    • Feeling a lack of self-identity

    For some, religion / spirituality can foster incredibly positive experiences; however, it is becoming more and more obvious that trauma can also be present in these settings. All In Bloom Therapy is affirming to all religious & spiritual beliefs (and non-beliefs), and is here to help you explore how religion / spirituality fits into your life (or not) and process any harm you might have experienced within these contexts.